IIT Guwahati

IIT Guwahati

IIT Guwahati is one of the IIT's(Indian Institute of Technology) having world class infrastructure for carrying out advance research and technology. here is a short review of this college-

Established -          1994

Location     -          On the north bank of river Brahmaputra around 20 km from city.

Courses offered-  B.Tech, B.Des(design),M.A.,M.Tech,M.Des, M.Sc, P.hd.

Campus Area   -   703 acres

Hostels    -             8 boy's hostel , 1 girl's hostel and 1 guest house

facilities  -            A commercial complex with a restaurant, Gymnasium, swimming pool,                                 Theater, Indoor Sports Stadium, Computer Center, Hospital 
  go to IIT G website
swimming pool